DARE: Dream, Act, Risk, Embrace
In response to these crazy times, we want to provide a space for filmmakers to KEEP CREATING and HONING your craft from home. We also want to make it affordable so we are offering a series of workshops for only $25 each!
Tuesdays 7-8:30 pm EST; April 7, 14, 21, 28
Cost: $100 for 4 workshops (Only $25 each!)
Only 20 spaces available
The Series:
The classes are called workouts because learning will not be lecture style but are instead designed so you learn through participating and watching the process as Sara Elizabeth give live notes on attendee’s projects. One on one’s with Sara Elizabeth are typically $150 an hour but in this special series you will get a chance to submit your work for critique, pitch online, and more.
This is for both filmmakers that have decks and pitches ready to go, as well as filmmakers who are just getting started but can benefit learning from real examples.
The Classes:
1- DECKS *: Instructor will give notes on select attendee decks & discuss what make a persuasive and professional deck as well as what should be included
2- PITCHING: Learn what makes an effective pitch as volunteers present their pitches (live and written) and receive live feedback from instructor.
3- PITCHING: Pitching continues, including dealing with questions from the pitch room
4- FINDING YOUR AUDIENCE AND PARTNERS: Instructor will use attendees’ films to demonstrate how to identify and engage your audience and strategic partners.
*Please note due to time, only a few decks will be selected for notes (will try to get to as many as possible)
** Participants are encouraged but not required to submit materials & pitches as learning comes through watching the process with example projects